Saturday, October 10, 2009
I am here!
I was born today at 7:23 AM. I weighed 8 lbs and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. I could tell mom did great. They got to find out that I am a girl even thought both of them thought so and they gave me my name, Deviney Jane McMillen.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mom's Carrying a Watermelon: 39 Weeks
At somewhere around 7 lbs and 20 inches, my mom is essentially carrying a small watermelon. It might explain why her back aches so much lately. Besides that, though, she is still able to get around comfortably and has been trying to take even longer walks than usual. I, on the other hand, am running seriously out of room in here! It makes it much harder to punch, jab, and kick all the time
At the last doctor's appointment, there had been some progress, though the doctor did not indicate she thought I would be coming within the week or anything. Mom was dilated to "almost" 2cm and was 70% effaced. If I decide to hold out a while, the doctor said she would allow me a little while. Once it's been 41 weeks, though, she said she would start encouraging induction. At this point, no one knows except me when I want to come and I certainly hope I can keep that a surprise. We will be back at the doctor before the end of the week so there may be a better indication then.
Mom and dad's phones have been ringing, emails coming in, and facebook notes being sent with questions about whether or not I have arrived. They are pretty certain word will travel quickly on my birthday - especially if dad coordinates a tailgate at the hospital!
At the last doctor's appointment, there had been some progress, though the doctor did not indicate she thought I would be coming within the week or anything. Mom was dilated to "almost" 2cm and was 70% effaced. If I decide to hold out a while, the doctor said she would allow me a little while. Once it's been 41 weeks, though, she said she would start encouraging induction. At this point, no one knows except me when I want to come and I certainly hope I can keep that a surprise. We will be back at the doctor before the end of the week so there may be a better indication then.
Mom and dad's phones have been ringing, emails coming in, and facebook notes being sent with questions about whether or not I have arrived. They are pretty certain word will travel quickly on my birthday - especially if dad coordinates a tailgate at the hospital!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Leek at 38 Weeks
At about 19.5 inches head to toe, you might say I am about the size of a leek. At 38 weeks, I also weigh about 6.8 lbs. In theory, I am around the length I will be at birth but my weight will probably increase. My organ functions are pretty well-refined now and my nervous system functions have increased.
As I grow more and more prepared to come, my mom and dad are more prepared every day, too. Mom has had her hospital bag packed for weeks now and my dad is trying to plan a tailgate party at the hospital. Mom has also been driving around for almost a week with the car seat base in her car. Once I start her labor, they will just need to clip the seat in and head to the hospital! There is a pack n' play set up in their bedroom (it has been for a month, actually) and the baby monitor is all set up and plugged in. Mom has already even bought me a Halloween costume! This weekend, my great uncle Bill brought me a bassinet all the way from North Carolina - my Great Grandmother had given it to him years ago. I am excited to be able to keep it in the family. Once I am done with it, I will be able to pass it to one of my cousins! In the meantime, it will live in the great room in the house - it should be a great place for you to see me when you visit!
We go to the doctor again this week. Mom is hoping to hear there has been progress, since last week nothing had changed from the prior appointment. I will be certain to keep you updated!
As I grow more and more prepared to come, my mom and dad are more prepared every day, too. Mom has had her hospital bag packed for weeks now and my dad is trying to plan a tailgate party at the hospital. Mom has also been driving around for almost a week with the car seat base in her car. Once I start her labor, they will just need to clip the seat in and head to the hospital! There is a pack n' play set up in their bedroom (it has been for a month, actually) and the baby monitor is all set up and plugged in. Mom has already even bought me a Halloween costume! This weekend, my great uncle Bill brought me a bassinet all the way from North Carolina - my Great Grandmother had given it to him years ago. I am excited to be able to keep it in the family. Once I am done with it, I will be able to pass it to one of my cousins! In the meantime, it will live in the great room in the house - it should be a great place for you to see me when you visit!
We go to the doctor again this week. Mom is hoping to hear there has been progress, since last week nothing had changed from the prior appointment. I will be certain to keep you updated!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
37 Weeks: Less Than 20 Days To Go!
Now I am officially full term. If I were ready, I could come out now and would be just fine! I think instead I will probably hang out here a little longer and just keep getting bigger. Since I am over 6 lbs and over 19 inches (think stalk of Swiss chard), it's hard to imagine I need to get much bigger but both my mom and dad were bigger when they were born so it's only fair.
People keep asking mom if she is "ready". I think she is - but not because she is tired of being pregnant; I think she is just excited for me to be born. She has a few "end-of-pregnancy" symptoms but nothing unmanageable. Her ankles are always swollen now (probably because she doesn't sit enough!) and she seems to need to go to the restroom more frequently. I continue to move around quite a bit which is more dramatic now than ever before. Mom is sometimes afraid an elbow or knee will poke right out of her skin! She will admit, though, that for as much as it sometimes hurts, she is going to miss it.
Last week at the doctor there had been little progress. Mom is still dilated to 1cm and I have dropped only slightly (from -2 to -1). She will see the doctor again this week and is hoping for good news. There are a number of guesses from family and friends about my birthday, time of birth and gender - she is hoping the October 24th guess is wrong.
People keep asking mom if she is "ready". I think she is - but not because she is tired of being pregnant; I think she is just excited for me to be born. She has a few "end-of-pregnancy" symptoms but nothing unmanageable. Her ankles are always swollen now (probably because she doesn't sit enough!) and she seems to need to go to the restroom more frequently. I continue to move around quite a bit which is more dramatic now than ever before. Mom is sometimes afraid an elbow or knee will poke right out of her skin! She will admit, though, that for as much as it sometimes hurts, she is going to miss it.
Last week at the doctor there had been little progress. Mom is still dilated to 1cm and I have dropped only slightly (from -2 to -1). She will see the doctor again this week and is hoping for good news. There are a number of guesses from family and friends about my birthday, time of birth and gender - she is hoping the October 24th guess is wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Almost Full Term - 36 Weeks
At 36 weeks, I am about 6 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long. Mom isn't as excited that I get bigger and bigger by the day (almost by an ounce) and figures now would be a good time for me to be born. I am considered "full term" by the end of this week so she feels like I should be ready. I'm thinking I just might hold out. Besides, it's more fun each week to find out what fruit or vegetable I am going to be likened to. This week = Crenshaw Melon.
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
35 Weeks and Educated
Were you aware honeydew melons weigh about 5 and 1/4 lbs? Were you also aware that is is what I weigh this week? It's probably appropriate I continue to gain some weight since I am now over 18 inches long. Everything else is well-developed and from now on, I will be working primarily on gaining more weight. I think mom would just prefer I come now so that I will be healthy but no bigger.

Last week mom and dad had pictures taken with me. My Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan took them. They turned out incredible and I can't wait to be able to look at them one day and imagine what mom and dad were like when they were pregnant with me. You can see some of the pictures (there were hundreds!) at
Mom and dad also went to a day-long childbirth class this week. They learned a lot about what it will be like the day I decide I am ready to come. Dad was nervous about it but I think he felt better after going to the class. I think mom was a little overwhelmed but they sent her home with a lot of reading material so she will be able to study and prepare.
The other thing mom and dad did this week is pick out my "go home outfit". After a great deal of agonizing, researching, and shopping at 4 different stores, they picked out a couple of outfits for a girl and a couple for a boy. Once they know what I am, they will be able to take back the one they won't need. It will be tough, though - they are all so adorable!
We are at almost one month until my due date. Time is flying fast! From now on, mom goes to the doctor every week. This week, the doctor started checking more than usual. Mom was weighed of course (up almost 24 lbs altogether!), my heart rate was taken (this time 138-140 which is lower than usual but not by much), and mom's belly was measured (really, it's more like measuring me). Everything is moving along well. This time, though, the doctor checked my position and I am head down, as I should. She also said mom is dilated to 1cm which is not much but the doctor said that is normal for 35 weeks. Mom expects more changes in the weeks ahead. Though she has enjoyed being pregnant, I think she is getting more and more ready (and excited!) for me to be born. Oddly enough, so am I!

Last week mom and dad had pictures taken with me. My Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan took them. They turned out incredible and I can't wait to be able to look at them one day and imagine what mom and dad were like when they were pregnant with me. You can see some of the pictures (there were hundreds!) at
Mom and dad also went to a day-long childbirth class this week. They learned a lot about what it will be like the day I decide I am ready to come. Dad was nervous about it but I think he felt better after going to the class. I think mom was a little overwhelmed but they sent her home with a lot of reading material so she will be able to study and prepare.
The other thing mom and dad did this week is pick out my "go home outfit". After a great deal of agonizing, researching, and shopping at 4 different stores, they picked out a couple of outfits for a girl and a couple for a boy. Once they know what I am, they will be able to take back the one they won't need. It will be tough, though - they are all so adorable!
We are at almost one month until my due date. Time is flying fast! From now on, mom goes to the doctor every week. This week, the doctor started checking more than usual. Mom was weighed of course (up almost 24 lbs altogether!), my heart rate was taken (this time 138-140 which is lower than usual but not by much), and mom's belly was measured (really, it's more like measuring me). Everything is moving along well. This time, though, the doctor checked my position and I am head down, as I should. She also said mom is dilated to 1cm which is not much but the doctor said that is normal for 35 weeks. Mom expects more changes in the weeks ahead. Though she has enjoyed being pregnant, I think she is getting more and more ready (and excited!) for me to be born. Oddly enough, so am I!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
All Showered: 34 Weeks
Held a cantaloupe lately? If so, imagine it is like holding me - now at about 5 pounds. I'm not quite as round, but I do stretch to around 18 inches. Mom can tell I am taking up more space since she thinks at almost any given time, she can feel some part of my body poking her.
Last week was another great week. Mom was showered by family on Saturday and it was beautiful! My Aunt Dayna flew in from Atlanta to be there, along with cousins and my great aunt from Florida. There were also so many people from Columbus - I can certainly tell I am loved (even across the miles)! Mom opened a lot of great gifts that day - a travel stroller/car seat system, pack-n-play, blankets, bottles, diapers, toys, books, booster seat, lightweight stroller, booties, hat, and even the blanket my dad came home from the hospital in when he was born! If they didn't feel totally prepared before, they certainly should now.
Mom and dad also went on a tour this week of the hospital Maternity Unit. They were shown where to drive to when I decide I am ready to come. They were also shown the kind of room I will be delivered in (equipped with a mirror that mom is fairly certain she will not be using!). The tour took them to the post-partum room mom will stay in once I have been assessed and fed. It all looks very comfortable... except for the couch/bed dads are provided to sleep on. I do think both mom and dad feel better having seen everything, but it certainly made it seem more real than ever before. In fact, they both were able to see a baby in the nursery that had been born only 6 hours prior - at 35 weeks! Needless to say, mom started packing her hospital bag this week just to be safe.
It's hard to imagine there are less than 40 days between now and my expected birthday! I grow more and more excited all the time to meet you all!
Last week was another great week. Mom was showered by family on Saturday and it was beautiful! My Aunt Dayna flew in from Atlanta to be there, along with cousins and my great aunt from Florida. There were also so many people from Columbus - I can certainly tell I am loved (even across the miles)! Mom opened a lot of great gifts that day - a travel stroller/car seat system, pack-n-play, blankets, bottles, diapers, toys, books, booster seat, lightweight stroller, booties, hat, and even the blanket my dad came home from the hospital in when he was born! If they didn't feel totally prepared before, they certainly should now.
Mom and dad also went on a tour this week of the hospital Maternity Unit. They were shown where to drive to when I decide I am ready to come. They were also shown the kind of room I will be delivered in (equipped with a mirror that mom is fairly certain she will not be using!). The tour took them to the post-partum room mom will stay in once I have been assessed and fed. It all looks very comfortable... except for the couch/bed dads are provided to sleep on. I do think both mom and dad feel better having seen everything, but it certainly made it seem more real than ever before. In fact, they both were able to see a baby in the nursery that had been born only 6 hours prior - at 35 weeks! Needless to say, mom started packing her hospital bag this week just to be safe.
It's hard to imagine there are less than 40 days between now and my expected birthday! I grow more and more excited all the time to meet you all!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
33 Week L'il Punkin
4 1/4 pounds may seem small, but the weight is going on quickly! I will continue to gain about 1/2 pound or so each week until I reach my final birth weight. With a mom and dad that weighed more than 8 pounds at birth each, it's entirely possible I will also be a big baby (though mom is hoping it's not indicative). At this point, I have surpassed the 17-inch mark (head to toe) and from head to bottom, I am about the length of an average pumpkin. Seems fitting with autumn right around the corner!
My eyes are now able to adjust to bright or dim light, though I don't get a lot of bright light in here. I get the feeling that will come in handy in a few weeks, though. At 33 weeks, too, mom's amniotic fluid has reached its maximum. Unfortunately for her, that means there is less fluid to cushion me and in turn, the kicking and flipping and moving around I am doing may be more and more uncomfortable. I feel a little bad about that since she has found it to be a bit painful already.
This week mom will go back to the doctor and soon, she will be going weekly. I don't think she is excited about that. She has done some more painting in my nursery and dad hung some shelves for me. Though it is not yet equipped with diapers, it is (for the most part) ready for me! Let the countdown continue...
My eyes are now able to adjust to bright or dim light, though I don't get a lot of bright light in here. I get the feeling that will come in handy in a few weeks, though. At 33 weeks, too, mom's amniotic fluid has reached its maximum. Unfortunately for her, that means there is less fluid to cushion me and in turn, the kicking and flipping and moving around I am doing may be more and more uncomfortable. I feel a little bad about that since she has found it to be a bit painful already.
This week mom will go back to the doctor and soon, she will be going weekly. I don't think she is excited about that. She has done some more painting in my nursery and dad hung some shelves for me. Though it is not yet equipped with diapers, it is (for the most part) ready for me! Let the countdown continue...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's Jicama Week 32
That's right, at 32 weeks and nearly 4 pounds, I am about the size of a jicama ( And, at almost 17 inches, my comfortable home seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Don't worry, though, I am still able to kick and move around enough to actually inflict a little bit of pain (sorry, mom!). The good thing about week 32 is that my skin is getting softer and smooth as it fills out more and more in preparation for my arrival.
Mom is having a little bit of trouble sleeping now, but mostly in that she has a lot of dreams and wakes up a few times during the night. She is not necessarily uncomfortable, just easily awaken. Imagine how difficult it is to sleep in a room that is only slightly bigger than your body, though! I still think she's got it good.
It has been an amazing week. My Aunt(s) Amanda, and Sara, and Marit threw a baby shower for me (and mom) on Saturday ( It was by far the most beautiful shower e
ver created. The food was incredible, the decor was perfect, and the company was amazing. I know I am loved because people came from as far as Chicago to be there! Everyone brought a book for me - most of them favorites from their childhood. I am so excited to have them read to me. I already have a significant library to choose from. In addition to the books, mom opened a lot of wonderful gifts for me. I now have a handmade blanket, Bumbo, Boppy, bath set, activity center, crib sheets, changing pad and covers, sling rider, Ox (an adorable ugly doll), and some clothes and toys! Mom and dad now have a diaper bag that has been filled already with travel-sized items. I think they are getting closer and closer to being ready for me... at least physically.
Mom is having a little bit of trouble sleeping now, but mostly in that she has a lot of dreams and wakes up a few times during the night. She is not necessarily uncomfortable, just easily awaken. Imagine how difficult it is to sleep in a room that is only slightly bigger than your body, though! I still think she's got it good.
It has been an amazing week. My Aunt(s) Amanda, and Sara, and Marit threw a baby shower for me (and mom) on Saturday ( It was by far the most beautiful shower e

Another thing that happened this week is mom was surprised with a shower/dinner from Grandma and Grandpa McMillen's long-time neighborhood friends. They all surprised her at a restaurant with a cake and a gift - my swing! I intend to spend a lot of time in there so it was terribly appreciated.
All in all, it has been a fantastic week. I'll continue working on packing on some pounds and will update you again next week!
All in all, it has been a fantastic week. I'll continue working on packing on some pounds and will update you again next week!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I told you I would be growing a lot! This week, I am already at about 16 inches long head to toes, comparable (evidently) to the length of a bunch of bok choy (head to bottom, not counting legs). I weigh over 3 pounds now, too - about the same as the weight of 4 naval oranges. Much like my mom, my arms, legs, and body are beginning to fill out but for me it is needed fat. My reproductive system is continuing to develop, but I refuse to give away the secret by telling you which parts are being worked on. You'll find out soon enough! This week, I am also already able to use all five senses, though I can admit there isn't much to see, smell, or taste in here. I am excited to know what touch is like and I am already looking forward to feeling my soft blankets and sleepers. Bring on the cuddling!
Mom is starting to have a little trouble sleeping. She dreams a lot and wakes up at least once in the middle of the night. I figure it's just practice for after I am born - if she thinks once a night is bad, just wait till my first month at home!
For fun, mom and dad have been looking at various old wives' tales to determine my gender. Some of them seem completely silly but it's fun to watch them guess, nonetheless!
Chinese Lunar Calendar calculates: GIRL
Mom is carrying weight out front: BOY
Mom's feet are not colder than before: GIRL
I am being carried high: GIRL
Maternal Grandmother (Grandma Helmrich) does not have grey hair (dyed or natural): GIRL
Dad is gaining some weight, too: BOY
Mom didn't have any morning sickness: BOY
Mom craves sweets and fruit: GIRL
Mom's nose has not spread during pregnancy: GIRL
Mom has no desire to drink orange juice: BOY
Mom will eat the heel of a loaf of bread: BOY
My heartrate is more than 140 (usually just barely over): GIRL
If you believe in these superstitions (though some of them very odd), you would assume I am a girl. Unfortunately, you will have to wait another 2 months to find out the truth!
Mom is starting to have a little trouble sleeping. She dreams a lot and wakes up at least once in the middle of the night. I figure it's just practice for after I am born - if she thinks once a night is bad, just wait till my first month at home!
For fun, mom and dad have been looking at various old wives' tales to determine my gender. Some of them seem completely silly but it's fun to watch them guess, nonetheless!
Chinese Lunar Calendar calculates: GIRL
Mom is carrying weight out front: BOY
Mom's feet are not colder than before: GIRL
I am being carried high: GIRL
Maternal Grandmother (Grandma Helmrich) does not have grey hair (dyed or natural): GIRL
Dad is gaining some weight, too: BOY
Mom didn't have any morning sickness: BOY
Mom craves sweets and fruit: GIRL
Mom's nose has not spread during pregnancy: GIRL
Mom has no desire to drink orange juice: BOY
Mom will eat the heel of a loaf of bread: BOY
My heartrate is more than 140 (usually just barely over): GIRL
If you believe in these superstitions (though some of them very odd), you would assume I am a girl. Unfortunately, you will have to wait another 2 months to find out the truth!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Let the Countdown Begin - 30 Weeks
Well, I now weigh about 3 pounds in my 30th week but I don't intend to stay this small for long. I am likely to gain about 1/2 pound a week for the next 7 weeks or so. At almost 16 inches long, I will probably not grow lengthwise much more but will certainly be packing on some pounds. Thanks to my mom's "carbs and sweets" obsession, it shouldn't be a problem. This week, though, just think of me like the head of a cabbage... or don't.
My Great Aunt hosted a baby shower for me this last weekend. Mom opened a lot of great gifts for me to use when I come. I will have a brand new jumparoo, high chair, bibs, bowls, spoons, bathtub and bath toys (yay!), sleepers, a teether, and toys! For as comfortable as it is in here, it sures does seem like fun out there!
Mom and dad took a vacation this week together to Niagara Falls. They did a great deal of walking around which was good for mom, but I think she just started to notice she struggles a little more with walking uphill or up stairs. Dad says it's like carrying two 10-lb dumbbells in front of you all the time. I think all in all, though, they had a great time and seemed to really enjoy their last trip as non-parents (although in way, I was there with them the whole time). What's funny, too, is that they spent a great deal of their time there talking about me! Do you think they might be excited?
If we go the full 40 weeks as expected, that means we have only 10 to go. I am already looking forward to meeting all of you soon. Let the countdown begin!
My Great Aunt hosted a baby shower for me this last weekend. Mom opened a lot of great gifts for me to use when I come. I will have a brand new jumparoo, high chair, bibs, bowls, spoons, bathtub and bath toys (yay!), sleepers, a teether, and toys! For as comfortable as it is in here, it sures does seem like fun out there!
Mom and dad took a vacation this week together to Niagara Falls. They did a great deal of walking around which was good for mom, but I think she just started to notice she struggles a little more with walking uphill or up stairs. Dad says it's like carrying two 10-lb dumbbells in front of you all the time. I think all in all, though, they had a great time and seemed to really enjoy their last trip as non-parents (although in way, I was there with them the whole time). What's funny, too, is that they spent a great deal of their time there talking about me! Do you think they might be excited?
If we go the full 40 weeks as expected, that means we have only 10 to go. I am already looking forward to meeting all of you soon. Let the countdown begin!

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Week 29 - Take THAT!
Though I am only about 2 and 1/2 lbs and a little over 15 inches, I can sure pack a punch! Imagine how hard I will be able to kick once my size doubles (maybe even triples)! I move a lot during the day but usually wait until later in the evening to really start showing off my martial arts skills. Sometimes it scares my mom but usually she just giggles.
My muscles are continuing to grow (evidenced by the kicking, punching, and moving around) and so are my maturing lungs. Along with that, my head is also getting bigger to make room for my developing brain - so if I am born with a bigger head than most babies, you will know why.
Mom has been able to take daily walks and is keeping active during the day, now that she is not working. She has gotten a lot done around the house in preparation for my arrival but still has a good to-do list of things to go. She seems to be feeling fine and hasn't really been as fatigued in the third trimester as everyone warns. Perhaps September will be a different story. We had another doctor's appointment this week, too. Her weight gain is right where it needs to be and her blood pressure is still very good. The doctor is now measuring her belly to make sure I am growing appropriately. This week, it was 29 cm and the doctor said that was perfect. My proposed birthday remains October 12! And if you are wondering what my heart rate was in order to figure out my gender - good luck. It was again in the 140's, right in the middle of the road.
By the way, if any of you see my dad, please tell him to stop doing zerberts on my mom's belly. It sounds really funny in here. Thanks!
My muscles are continuing to grow (evidenced by the kicking, punching, and moving around) and so are my maturing lungs. Along with that, my head is also getting bigger to make room for my developing brain - so if I am born with a bigger head than most babies, you will know why.
Mom has been able to take daily walks and is keeping active during the day, now that she is not working. She has gotten a lot done around the house in preparation for my arrival but still has a good to-do list of things to go. She seems to be feeling fine and hasn't really been as fatigued in the third trimester as everyone warns. Perhaps September will be a different story. We had another doctor's appointment this week, too. Her weight gain is right where it needs to be and her blood pressure is still very good. The doctor is now measuring her belly to make sure I am growing appropriately. This week, it was 29 cm and the doctor said that was perfect. My proposed birthday remains October 12! And if you are wondering what my heart rate was in order to figure out my gender - good luck. It was again in the 140's, right in the middle of the road.
By the way, if any of you see my dad, please tell him to stop doing zerberts on my mom's belly. It sounds really funny in here. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Beginning of the End: 28 Weeks
Hello, third trimester! This marks the beginning of the end - it won't be long before I can meet you all in person. I still have some growing to do, however, since I am now just shy of 15 inches (head to toe) and weigh around 2 and 1/4 lbs. If I am anything like my mom and dad, I still have about 6 more pounds to go. At this point, I am only the size of a Chinese cabbage.
This week, I am able to blink and even have eyelashes! I certainly hope I get those from my dad, whose lashes are much longer than my mom's. Though my eye color has been established, it is possible it will change within the 6 months after I am born. I have a good feeling they will be brown in the end.
This week my mom registered at 2 different stores for upcoming baby showers. I will end up with a lot of green and tan but I think she picked out a lot of cute things! Though I think she found the experience to be a bit overwhelming, she still gets excited when she imagines what it will be like to use it all (once she figures out how).
This week, I am able to blink and even have eyelashes! I certainly hope I get those from my dad, whose lashes are much longer than my mom's. Though my eye color has been established, it is possible it will change within the 6 months after I am born. I have a good feeling they will be brown in the end.
This week my mom registered at 2 different stores for upcoming baby showers. I will end up with a lot of green and tan but I think she picked out a lot of cute things! Though I think she found the experience to be a bit overwhelming, she still gets excited when she imagines what it will be like to use it all (once she figures out how).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ending the 2nd Trimester: 27 Weeks
Imagine if your height tripled in a matter of 15 weeks. It seems crazy, indeed, but it has happened to me - my length has at least tripled from what it was at 12 weeks! It's estimated I am about 14 and 1/2 inches now and weigh nearly 2 pounds. If I were a vegetable, I would be equivalent to the size of a head of cauliflower.
Mom went to the doctor this week and took a glucose screening test. Results should be back next week. Everything else checked out fine - her blood pressure is good (pretty low, in fact), her weight is fine (gained 2 pounds this time for a total of 18), and my growth is in line with where it should be. This is the first time they measured mom's belly! It was especially funny, though,
because mom had decided one day this weekend to spell "BABY" on her belly (including an arrow) with sunscreen and spent hours in the sun. It still showed up very clear when the doctor took a look. Fortunately, she has a sense of humor and was only disappointed with the fact she did not have a camera.
Mom went to the doctor this week and took a glucose screening test. Results should be back next week. Everything else checked out fine - her blood pressure is good (pretty low, in fact), her weight is fine (gained 2 pounds this time for a total of 18), and my growth is in line with where it should be. This is the first time they measured mom's belly! It was especially funny, though,

Once she finished laughing, the doctor took my heartbeat, which was somewhere in the 140's again. For those of you trying to guess my gender based on this, it's still middle of the road enough that it could go either way. It sure is fun to keep you all guessing!
This week marks the end of the 2nd trimester. I will write next week when I am officially in the 3rd - getting closer to my birthday!
This week marks the end of the 2nd trimester. I will write next week when I am officially in the 3rd - getting closer to my birthday!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
26 Weeks Means Hothouse
Week 26 means we have less than 100 days to go! At this point, I am inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which probably sounds gross to you but is actually a good thing! Truthfully, it is pretty essential for the development of my lungs and it’s good practice for when I have to take that first big breath of air.
I’m also continuing to put on more baby fat. By now, I weigh about a pound and 2/3 and measure around 14 inches from head to heel. What fruit or vegetable is 14 inches, you ask? An English Hothouse Cucumber. I have no idea what that is, but I think I have a good idea about what a hothouse is like. It’s certainly warm in here!
Though my eyes are fully developed, they probably won’t open for another couple of weeks. It’s not a big deal – I don’t think I am missing out on seeing much in here.
Mom thought she was getting away symptom-free in this pregnancy but I think I am getting to her now. Her feet are beginning to swell and she has to remember to keep them propped up periodically throughout the day. She worries her worst fear will come true – those size 10s do not need to be any bigger! She has also been awoken violently in the middle of the night twice with a severe leg cramp. The first happened a few weeks ago and the second just happened again. Scares me, too, because she jerks straight up and yells when it happens – it interrupts my quiet time!
I’m also continuing to put on more baby fat. By now, I weigh about a pound and 2/3 and measure around 14 inches from head to heel. What fruit or vegetable is 14 inches, you ask? An English Hothouse Cucumber. I have no idea what that is, but I think I have a good idea about what a hothouse is like. It’s certainly warm in here!
Though my eyes are fully developed, they probably won’t open for another couple of weeks. It’s not a big deal – I don’t think I am missing out on seeing much in here.
Mom thought she was getting away symptom-free in this pregnancy but I think I am getting to her now. Her feet are beginning to swell and she has to remember to keep them propped up periodically throughout the day. She worries her worst fear will come true – those size 10s do not need to be any bigger! She has also been awoken violently in the middle of the night twice with a severe leg cramp. The first happened a few weeks ago and the second just happened again. Scares me, too, because she jerks straight up and yells when it happens – it interrupts my quiet time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
25 Week Rutabaga
That's right, this week's comparison is a rutabaga. I'm not sure if I prefer that or not to last week's corn on the cob reference. Regardless, it means I am still growing quickly and weigh in now at about a pound and 1/2. I'm finally starting to fill out a little more with baby fat so I should look a little more like a newborn baby than I have. I know mom and dad are not very big people, but I was beginning to get nervous I might be forever skinny! The other thing happening this week is hair growth - there is even more than before. If I keep this up, I will come out looking like the little monkey mom keeps thinking I will look like.
All my furiture is done and in my nursery. It's not arranged in the way mom would like but there is still time for her to change it. And though the walls are painted, I think she wants to add some decorative elements in there to tie in the bedding. Even in its current state, it looks like a nursery and both mom and dad find excuses to go up there frequently just to look at it.
Mom is still feeling great and is getting around just fine. She says she feels almost exactly the same as she did before me, only with a belly that keeps getting bigger and bigger. The third trimester is coming soon, though, and from what we hear it can be a tough couple of months. Mom is hopeful it will follow the last 6 months, though, since it has been so easy so far.
All my furiture is done and in my nursery. It's not arranged in the way mom would like but there is still time for her to change it. And though the walls are painted, I think she wants to add some decorative elements in there to tie in the bedding. Even in its current state, it looks like a nursery and both mom and dad find excuses to go up there frequently just to look at it.
Mom is still feeling great and is getting around just fine. She says she feels almost exactly the same as she did before me, only with a belly that keeps getting bigger and bigger. The third trimester is coming soon, though, and from what we hear it can be a tough couple of months. Mom is hopeful it will follow the last 6 months, though, since it has been so easy so far.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
24 Weeks with a Place to Sleep
Alert the police - my fingerprints and footprints are forming this week. It wont be long before I have these things all over clean windows, glass top tables, and well-treated surfaces. I can also tell when my now foot-long+ body (similar now to a corn on the cob!) is upside down or right side up, thanks to a fully-developed inner ear. My mom is also starting to notice my sleep cycle - up kicking around by about 9am, again at around 1pm, then REALLY active from around 8pm till she goes to bed. In fact, I think I kept her up the other night with some excessive kicking and moving. She must have been uncomfortable because she didn't fall asleep that night until around 1am.
Dad decided this last weekend was a good weekend to paint the nursery. The color they chose is called "Key Lime Pie". They both spent the afternoon on Saturday painting it. Without my black crib and furniture in there, it may be a bit bright but I feel pretty confident those things will tone it down considerably. Fortunately, the furniture just arrived today so now all they need to do is assemble and arrange it. I will soon have a beautiful place to sleep!
Dad decided this last weekend was a good weekend to paint the nursery. The color they chose is called "Key Lime Pie". They both spent the afternoon on Saturday painting it. Without my black crib and furniture in there, it may be a bit bright but I feel pretty confident those things will tone it down considerably. Fortunately, the furniture just arrived today so now all they need to do is assemble and arrange it. I will soon have a beautiful place to sleep!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Booty-Shaking: 23 Weeks
I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing my sense of movement is so well developed now. I can definitely feel mom moving and dancing. She went to a wedding last weekend and introduced me to “Shout”, “The Electric Slide” and “The Cha-Cha Slide”. It made her a little nervous on Sunday when I wasn’t moving as much in the afternoon, but I was tired from all the dancing she did the night before!
This week, I weigh just over a pound and am comparable now to a large mango. Mom and dad can tell I am getting bigger all the time because all my kicking and moving is increasingly frequent and obvious. Blood vessels in my lungs are developing this week and preparing me to be able to breath outside of this comfortable home. Sounds are also becoming more and more clear to me and frequent loud noises (the vacuum, the sound of a boat engine, the music in the car) are becoming pretty familiar. Hopefully they won’t be a big surprise to me when I come in October! I have a feeling I will be spending time around a vacuum, in a car, and next spring/summer, on a boat!
Mom went to the doctor this week for a check-up and everything looks good for both mom and me. My heartbeat was between 145 and 150, which is where it has been for the last few months. I made sure to get in a few good, strong kicks when the doctor was trying to measure it. Mom’s blood pressure is good and her weight gain was only slight. No mention from the doctor about being careful this time!
This week, I weigh just over a pound and am comparable now to a large mango. Mom and dad can tell I am getting bigger all the time because all my kicking and moving is increasingly frequent and obvious. Blood vessels in my lungs are developing this week and preparing me to be able to breath outside of this comfortable home. Sounds are also becoming more and more clear to me and frequent loud noises (the vacuum, the sound of a boat engine, the music in the car) are becoming pretty familiar. Hopefully they won’t be a big surprise to me when I come in October! I have a feeling I will be spending time around a vacuum, in a car, and next spring/summer, on a boat!
Mom went to the doctor this week for a check-up and everything looks good for both mom and me. My heartbeat was between 145 and 150, which is where it has been for the last few months. I made sure to get in a few good, strong kicks when the doctor was trying to measure it. Mom’s blood pressure is good and her weight gain was only slight. No mention from the doctor about being careful this time!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mmmmm... 22 Weeks
Taste buds have started to form this week! Though I haven't yet been able to actually taste anything, I grow more and more excited all the time to experience this sugar thing my dad seems to enjoy so much. This week, my brain and nerve endings have started to process the sensation of touch - so be careful with all that poking and rubbing you do to my mom's belly. The other thing happening this week is that I am developing tooth buds beneath my gums. I am hopeful they turn out like either mom or dad's teeth since neither one of them ever needed braces. I imagine they hope for the same thing.
We appear to be moving away from fruit comparisons as at 22 weeks, I am being compared to a spaghetti squash at about 1 pound. At this point, I look more or less like a miniature newborn with lips, eyelids, and eyebrows. Although my eyes have formed, my irises still do not have pigment (though I think there is a good chance they will turn out to be brown like my dad's - those seem to be dominant in his family).
Mom and dad are having a garage sale this weekend in an effort to sell some household items and make more room for me. My nursery is almost completely empty with the exception of a pile of baby items they have begun to collect. Since my crib bedding was just delivered this week, I think mom and dad will soon be able to pick wall colors (they've already started looking and have a healthy stack of samples to go through).
I continue to move around as often as I can in here. It's funny because no matter how many times I kick my mom, she still giggles. She seems to really enjoy this pregnancy thing!
We appear to be moving away from fruit comparisons as at 22 weeks, I am being compared to a spaghetti squash at about 1 pound. At this point, I look more or less like a miniature newborn with lips, eyelids, and eyebrows. Although my eyes have formed, my irises still do not have pigment (though I think there is a good chance they will turn out to be brown like my dad's - those seem to be dominant in his family).
Mom and dad are having a garage sale this weekend in an effort to sell some household items and make more room for me. My nursery is almost completely empty with the exception of a pile of baby items they have begun to collect. Since my crib bedding was just delivered this week, I think mom and dad will soon be able to pick wall colors (they've already started looking and have a healthy stack of samples to go through).
I continue to move around as often as I can in here. It's funny because no matter how many times I kick my mom, she still giggles. She seems to really enjoy this pregnancy thing!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Week 21 - Ultimate Fighting
This week, I am comparable to a carrot, with a length at approximately 10 ½ inches long (head to toes). I have formed eyelids and eyebrows (that have the potential to develop into the “McMillen Eyebrows”… uh-oh!). At this point, I am beginning to absorb small amounts of sugar through the amniotic fluid I can now swallow. Yummmm… The other development this week is that my bone marrow is doing the job of making blood cells which, until now, had been done by my liver and spleen.
Aside from all the growing I am doing this week, I am also beginning to train to be the next Ultimate Fighter. I spend a lot of time kicking and moving about, serving as a reminder to my mom that I am doing just fine in here. It was this week, too, that she started to feel (and see) some of my movements from the outside of her belly. In fact, the first time I did it, she gasped! She grabbed dad’s hand right away and put it on the same place I kicked hers. She asked me to do it again so I did. At first, dad thought mom was faking it but then realized there was no way she could duplicate the same movement on her own. I think he was surprised and excited. I plan to continue to train, so for those of who enjoy touching mom’s belly, it should provide some entertainment for you!
I think mom and dad have found my nursery bedding, though they haven’t ordered it yet. Once that is done, they will finally be able to start deciding on wall colors and decorations. They better hurry up – I plan on using that room in about 4 months!
Aside from all the growing I am doing this week, I am also beginning to train to be the next Ultimate Fighter. I spend a lot of time kicking and moving about, serving as a reminder to my mom that I am doing just fine in here. It was this week, too, that she started to feel (and see) some of my movements from the outside of her belly. In fact, the first time I did it, she gasped! She grabbed dad’s hand right away and put it on the same place I kicked hers. She asked me to do it again so I did. At first, dad thought mom was faking it but then realized there was no way she could duplicate the same movement on her own. I think he was surprised and excited. I plan to continue to train, so for those of who enjoy touching mom’s belly, it should provide some entertainment for you!

I think mom and dad have found my nursery bedding, though they haven’t ordered it yet. Once that is done, they will finally be able to start deciding on wall colors and decorations. They better hurry up – I plan on using that room in about 4 months!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
1/2 Way at 20 Weeks!
20 weeks means we are half way to my birthday! It’s hard to believe how quickly time has passed. At this point, I probably measure around 6 1/2 inches from head to bottom, but about 10 inches from head to heel. Going forward, measurements will be from my head to my heels since my legs are stretched out better now than they ever have been. You may wonder what fruit is approximately 10 inches long? A banana! That is this week’s comparison.
During the last ultrasound mom and dad got to see how active I am. Now, mom gets to feel it. She is noticing some of my movements now but I am most active around lunchtime and in the evenings. She must like when she can feel it because she usually pats or rubs her belly after I do it (probably hoping I will keep going). Hopefully soon dad will be able to feel it from the outside.
I should have a crib, dresser, and changing table when I come, which is a good thing because I was beginning to worry I would have to sleep in a dresser drawer. Mom and dad ordered a set on Sunday but it is backordered a few weeks. It should be nursery-ready by mid-July! Looks like mom and dad will have to pick bedding and colors for the room. It’s time for them to start painting!
During the last ultrasound mom and dad got to see how active I am. Now, mom gets to feel it. She is noticing some of my movements now but I am most active around lunchtime and in the evenings. She must like when she can feel it because she usually pats or rubs her belly after I do it (probably hoping I will keep going). Hopefully soon dad will be able to feel it from the outside.
I should have a crib, dresser, and changing table when I come, which is a good thing because I was beginning to worry I would have to sleep in a dresser drawer. Mom and dad ordered a set on Sunday but it is backordered a few weeks. It should be nursery-ready by mid-July! Looks like mom and dad will have to pick bedding and colors for the room. It’s time for them to start painting!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Say Cheese at 19 Weeks
What a week! I started being able to hear a bit last week but this week I can hear voices - especially my mom's. What I have found out, though, is that she sings - a lot... especially when she is in her car. Let's just hope I don't get my singing abilities from her. She also talks to me quite a bit along with dad, so I am starting to learn his voice, too.
Mom and dad got to see me this week through an ultrasound. I don't think they had realized how big I had gotten until now. They saw my arms, legs, feet, fists, head, heart, bladder, kidneys, eyes, chin, and all other important body parts in place. While mom can't feel any real movements yet, it was very clear that day I am a kicker and mover. The doctor called me "uncooperative" because I moved around a lot and made it very hard to take pictures. I get it honestly - I come from two parents that both can't seem to sit still for more than 5 minutes. They also told mom and dad it was a good thing they didn't want to know if I was a boy or girl because it would have been near impossible to tell that day. The secret is still safe!

Mom also had to go to her doctor this week for another check-up even with the ultrasound only days before. Everything checked out with the doctor, as well, who also mentioned the fact that I like to move around. I guess I made it hard for her to follow my heartbeat. Once she found it, though, she measured it at 140. The doctor did caution mom to watch her weight gain. Though it's not too much over what is recommended, she should be careful going forward. Evidently, her new found love for ice cream may have to subside - a disappointment for me, as well.
I can tell mom and dad are growing more and more excited every day - I can make out frequent giggling and laughing noises and I know dad touches mom's stomach every chance he can. I can only imagine what they will be like when I am actually born!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Week 18 - Gulp!
Week 18 is another week of exciting progress for me! I’ve not only grown in length – around 5 and ½ inches now – but I’m also up to almost 7 ounces! And, now that I have a little more room in here, I am able to flex my arms and legs more (though mom hasn’t yet been able to feel it no matter how hard I try). It seems my fruit comparisons have moved to vegetable comparisons because this week, the websites will say I am the size of a bell pepper.
Nerve endings from my brain are beginning to hook up to my ears, which means I am beginning to be able to hear things slightly. At this point, it sounds a lot like my mom’s heart beat and the occasional stomach rumble. I am excited for the time when I am able to hear her voice along with dads and all of yours. It won’t be long after that mom will be subjecting me to all the mellow, acoustic folk music she so dearly loves (and dad could live without).
The other thing I can do this week is swallow! I can’t wait to put that skill to good use when I get out of here.
Mom is still feeling well and is almost officially in all maternity clothes. Tee-shirts still do the trick but most of her work clothes fit a little more than snug. She was surprised on Mother’s Day this week when she was showered with attention from dad (who bought her a heartbeat monitor), Grandma and Grandpa McMillen (who bought her maternity clothes), Grandma and Grandpa Helmrich (who gave her a rose bush), and Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan (who bought me a handmade bib!). She also received calls and notes from people wishing her a Happy Mother’s Day. I think it surprised her a bit to be considered a mom but I’m pretty sure she relished every minute of it.
Next week is another doctor’s appointment so I will be certain to update you on progress. They will get my heartbeat again so the guessing games can start all over!
Nerve endings from my brain are beginning to hook up to my ears, which means I am beginning to be able to hear things slightly. At this point, it sounds a lot like my mom’s heart beat and the occasional stomach rumble. I am excited for the time when I am able to hear her voice along with dads and all of yours. It won’t be long after that mom will be subjecting me to all the mellow, acoustic folk music she so dearly loves (and dad could live without).
The other thing I can do this week is swallow! I can’t wait to put that skill to good use when I get out of here.
Mom is still feeling well and is almost officially in all maternity clothes. Tee-shirts still do the trick but most of her work clothes fit a little more than snug. She was surprised on Mother’s Day this week when she was showered with attention from dad (who bought her a heartbeat monitor), Grandma and Grandpa McMillen (who bought her maternity clothes), Grandma and Grandpa Helmrich (who gave her a rose bush), and Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan (who bought me a handmade bib!). She also received calls and notes from people wishing her a Happy Mother’s Day. I think it surprised her a bit to be considered a mom but I’m pretty sure she relished every minute of it.
Next week is another doctor’s appointment so I will be certain to update you on progress. They will get my heartbeat again so the guessing games can start all over!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Elastic and Cotton – 17 Weeks
This week, my soft cartilage is turning to bone! Milk (or those calcium supplements my mom is taking) does a body good afterall. My umbilical cord is now growing thicker, making it an even stronger lifeline for me. I am also developing fat stores which should provide warmth and energy after I leave this cozy abode.
Mom and dad have started looking at baby furniture and bedding (okay, they started weeks and weeks ago) but have not yet been successful. It’s too bad I don’t have a say in this and have to rely on them to make a good decision about the sheets I will be staring at day in and day out. Mom has these ideas about how my nursery will look but has yet to find the perfect pieces.
I’m also working on making a little more room for myself in here. People who know my mom can tell now that she is pregnant. People who don’t know her say they can’t. Her closet can tell, though, and reminds her of it every time she goes to put on a pair of pants. Her maternity wardrobe is increasing and she is finding more and more comfort in elastic and cotton. She jokes about it, but deep down she is excited to have a pregnant belly. It’s a good thing, because I plan on doing a lot more growing soon!
Mom and dad have started looking at baby furniture and bedding (okay, they started weeks and weeks ago) but have not yet been successful. It’s too bad I don’t have a say in this and have to rely on them to make a good decision about the sheets I will be staring at day in and day out. Mom has these ideas about how my nursery will look but has yet to find the perfect pieces.
I’m also working on making a little more room for myself in here. People who know my mom can tell now that she is pregnant. People who don’t know her say they can’t. Her closet can tell, though, and reminds her of it every time she goes to put on a pair of pants. Her maternity wardrobe is increasing and she is finding more and more comfort in elastic and cotton. She jokes about it, but deep down she is excited to have a pregnant belly. It’s a good thing, because I plan on doing a lot more growing soon!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
16 Weeks
Week 16, or the beginning of my 4th month, brings me toenails! It probably doesn’t seem as exciting or glamorous as previous weeks, but it’s growth nonetheless. Inside my body this week, my heart is pumping about 25 quarts or blood a day (grown-ups pump about 2,000 gallons a day so I have some work to do). I’m also still pretty small, weighing around 3 ½ oz with a length at 4 ½ inches (head to rear-end). This trimester should bring a great deal of growth, though.
Mom and dad went to the doctor this week for a 4-week check-up. Like the other appointment, they weighed her, took her blood pressure, and listened to my heartbeat. Though the doctor kept us waiting in the waiting room almost a full hour, mom and dad were no longer upset when they were able to hear my heart. This was dad’s first time to hear it! My heart was beating at 142, which the doctor said was “perfect”. It makes the gender guessing game my mom and dad are playing harder, though, since my first measured heartbeat was 160 (supposedly, anything 160 or over is a girl; under 160 is a boy). I guess that it will just have to remain my little secret until I am born!
Mom and dad went to the doctor this week for a 4-week check-up. Like the other appointment, they weighed her, took her blood pressure, and listened to my heartbeat. Though the doctor kept us waiting in the waiting room almost a full hour, mom and dad were no longer upset when they were able to hear my heart. This was dad’s first time to hear it! My heart was beating at 142, which the doctor said was “perfect”. It makes the gender guessing game my mom and dad are playing harder, though, since my first measured heartbeat was 160 (supposedly, anything 160 or over is a girl; under 160 is a boy). I guess that it will just have to remain my little secret until I am born!

Monday, April 27, 2009
15 Weeks - Seeing the light!
So here I am at 15 weeks, and the size of an apple. Really, it's about 4 inches from head to bottom. My legs are finally longer than my arms, which is great because I was starting to think I might come out looking like a gorilla. With that, too, all my joints are bending and moving. This will make kicking much easier for me!
My taste buds are forming this week, though unfortunately there isn't much for me to taste in here. If I am anything like my dad, these taste buds will be programmed to want only Coke and Snickers bars. If I am more like my mom, though, they will prefer cold, crispy salads and plain grilled chicken. Either way, it will probably be a while before I get a chance to taste any of those things.
Mom and dad took me to Charleston this week to enjoy warm weather and sunshine. Though my eyelids are still fused shut, I can now sense light which was in abundance the entire week. I also experienced my mom's love for dancing at a wedding reception the end of this week. I'm fairly certain the "Cha-Cha Slide" contributed to a great deal of me flipping around and consequential dizziness on Friday night.
As you can tell from this week's photo, mom and dad didn't have the same backdrop available but I think they would chose a beach setting over a bedroom wall any day.
My taste buds are forming this week, though unfortunately there isn't much for me to taste in here. If I am anything like my dad, these taste buds will be programmed to want only Coke and Snickers bars. If I am more like my mom, though, they will prefer cold, crispy salads and plain grilled chicken. Either way, it will probably be a while before I get a chance to taste any of those things.
Mom and dad took me to Charleston this week to enjoy warm weather and sunshine. Though my eyelids are still fused shut, I can now sense light which was in abundance the entire week. I also experienced my mom's love for dancing at a wedding reception the end of this week. I'm fairly certain the "Cha-Cha Slide" contributed to a great deal of me flipping around and consequential dizziness on Friday night.
As you can tell from this week's photo, mom and dad didn't have the same backdrop available but I think they would chose a beach setting over a bedroom wall any day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Life Hands you a Lemon at Week 14!
The second trimester is a lot of work so far! I’m growing pretty quickly and
am up to about 3 and ½ inches now. My fruit comparison this week? A lemon (but think of me as much sweeter). This week I am also working on facial expressions: frowning, grimacing, squinting. I can also finally grasp things, though there aren’t a lot of choices around me to grasp. I'm considering this thumb-sucking idea. My arms have grown to a length that is much more proportionate to the rest of my body, though my legs still have a while to catch up. I’m still moving them around as much as I can but it will be a while before mom can feel it.
Mom and dad are crafting a name for me but are being very secretive about the names they have chosen. I know they are already committed to a girl’s name but I think they are still unsure about a name for me if I am a boy. Considering they will not be finding out if I am one or the other, they better have one of each planned! Not only will my gender be a surprise for everyone, but my name will be a surprise to all of you, too!
Mom is traveling this week for work and returns just in time to leave for a week-long trip vacation the Carolinas. She and dad are in a wedding on Friday the 24th but will be spending the week there with the bride and groom-to-be and a number of good friends. It may make it difficult for me to access a computer to update for week 15 (what can I say? I will be basking on a beach… sorta) but I will be sure to update for week 15 as soon as I am able.
am up to about 3 and ½ inches now. My fruit comparison this week? A lemon (but think of me as much sweeter). This week I am also working on facial expressions: frowning, grimacing, squinting. I can also finally grasp things, though there aren’t a lot of choices around me to grasp. I'm considering this thumb-sucking idea. My arms have grown to a length that is much more proportionate to the rest of my body, though my legs still have a while to catch up. I’m still moving them around as much as I can but it will be a while before mom can feel it.
Mom and dad are crafting a name for me but are being very secretive about the names they have chosen. I know they are already committed to a girl’s name but I think they are still unsure about a name for me if I am a boy. Considering they will not be finding out if I am one or the other, they better have one of each planned! Not only will my gender be a surprise for everyone, but my name will be a surprise to all of you, too!
Mom is traveling this week for work and returns just in time to leave for a week-long trip vacation the Carolinas. She and dad are in a wedding on Friday the 24th but will be spending the week there with the bride and groom-to-be and a number of good friends. It may make it difficult for me to access a computer to update for week 15 (what can I say? I will be basking on a beach… sorta) but I will be sure to update for week 15 as soon as I am able.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
13 Means Fingerprints
Alert the police - I can now be fingerprinted! That's really my biggest development this week, aside from the fact that my body is finally starting to catch up with my big head! All-in-all, I am about 3 inches long now - which apparently means I need more space to spread out.
Mom's collection of maternity clothes is well on its way thanks to my Grandma Helmrich, Great Aunt Bev, and Grandma McMillen. It wont be long before she is wearing them, since she has started finding comfort in partially unzipping most of her regular clothing. Dad is encouraging her to do some shopping but I think she is hesitant to admit she may need to move up a size.
This week is the end of my first trimester and I plan to do some major work over the second. I'll be back next week to let you know what I am doing in week 14!
Mom's collection of maternity clothes is well on its way thanks to my Grandma Helmrich, Great Aunt Bev, and Grandma McMillen. It wont be long before she is wearing them, since she has started finding comfort in partially unzipping most of her regular clothing. Dad is encouraging her to do some shopping but I think she is hesitant to admit she may need to move up a size.
This week is the end of my first trimester and I plan to do some major work over the second. I'll be back next week to let you know what I am doing in week 14!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Poking and Proding at 12 Weeks
Mom read somewhere that if she poked or prodded at me now, I would squirm. This is great and all, except that SHE CAN’T FEEL IT yet. She knows this, but insists on still trying. I hope she lays off for a few more weeks. I think by 16-18 weeks I might be big enough that she will be able to tell, but until then it’s just annoying!
This week is a good week because I am finally starting to look more like a human. I was beginning to worry. Ears are where they belong, eyes are finally at the front of my head and I am now about 2 inches long (from head to bottom). The fruit comparison this week is a lime.
Synapses in my brain are forming quickly now and nerve cells are multiplying. What’s best, though, is that this week I have reflexes! Soon enough, eye muscles will be clenching and I will be able to finally make sucking movements with my mouth. Bring on the pacifier!
Mom’s pants don’t exactly fit comfortably anymore, unless they come with an elastic waist. She’s not ready for maternity clothes yet but may have to give in and buy a few items that are the next size up at least. She says it’s awkward because she doesn’t exactly look pregnant yet – maybe just a little “overweight”. She talks about a muffin top, but I don’t think she means the edible kind.
Both mom and dad have decided against testing for chromosomal abnormalities. They both know they will love me no matter what and are already certain I am going to be the most beautiful baby this world has ever seen.
This week is a good week because I am finally starting to look more like a human. I was beginning to worry. Ears are where they belong, eyes are finally at the front of my head and I am now about 2 inches long (from head to bottom). The fruit comparison this week is a lime.
Synapses in my brain are forming quickly now and nerve cells are multiplying. What’s best, though, is that this week I have reflexes! Soon enough, eye muscles will be clenching and I will be able to finally make sucking movements with my mouth. Bring on the pacifier!
Mom’s pants don’t exactly fit comfortably anymore, unless they come with an elastic waist. She’s not ready for maternity clothes yet but may have to give in and buy a few items that are the next size up at least. She says it’s awkward because she doesn’t exactly look pregnant yet – maybe just a little “overweight”. She talks about a muffin top, but I don’t think she means the edible kind.
Both mom and dad have decided against testing for chromosomal abnormalities. They both know they will love me no matter what and are already certain I am going to be the most beautiful baby this world has ever seen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Kicking and Stretching at 11 Weeks
At 1 and 1/2 inches long (I am now being referred to as a fig), mom can't feel any of the kicking and stretching I am doing this week. Soon enough she will regret saying that she wished she could!
Everything is almost completely formed (albeit small) and I cannot wait until my hands can open and close into fists (I'm almost there - I don't think it will be much longer). Some of my bones are even beginning to harden and I think these are teeth buds starting to come in under my gums. Thank goodness for vitamins and calcium supplements! It will remain to be seen whether or not I get the good teeth genes from my mom and dad because neither one of them ever had braces.
Mom is doing okay. She is still frequently sleepy and her back has been a bit achy. She has noticed some of her clothes aren't fitting quite as comfortably, too. Dad denies it, but I think you might see from the picture this week that she is beginning to pop. It's either that or she is getting fat from eating everything and anything put in front of her (okay, still no red meat and nothing fried. But for the most part, anything else goes!) . She saw the doctor this week but unfortunately there are no new pictures of me. You'll have to wait another 8 or 9 weeks for that! I did let my mom hear my heartbeat. though. I think she almost cried. Imagine what she will be like when I am born!
Everything is almost completely formed (albeit small) and I cannot wait until my hands can open and close into fists (I'm almost there - I don't think it will be much longer). Some of my bones are even beginning to harden and I think these are teeth buds starting to come in under my gums. Thank goodness for vitamins and calcium supplements! It will remain to be seen whether or not I get the good teeth genes from my mom and dad because neither one of them ever had braces.
Mom is doing okay. She is still frequently sleepy and her back has been a bit achy. She has noticed some of her clothes aren't fitting quite as comfortably, too. Dad denies it, but I think you might see from the picture this week that she is beginning to pop. It's either that or she is getting fat from eating everything and anything put in front of her (okay, still no red meat and nothing fried. But for the most part, anything else goes!) . She saw the doctor this week but unfortunately there are no new pictures of me. You'll have to wait another 8 or 9 weeks for that! I did let my mom hear my heartbeat. though. I think she almost cried. Imagine what she will be like when I am born!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
10 weeks: But What's a Kumquat?
I’m not sure why all the books and websites refer to my size as comparable to fruit. They say this week I am the size of a kumquat. It’s probably hard to conceptualize since most people don’t know what that is. Basically, I am a little over an inch long (head to bottom). It’s hard to imagine that in a little over 6 months, I will be substantially bigger! I am also not sure how I am going to have the space to do all that growing. It’s still not very spacious in here.
I am now able to swallow fluid and my vital organs (kidneys, liver, intestines, and brain) are beginning to function. I’m fairly certain my brain function is stronger than most :). My nails are also beginning to form and if I am anything like my mom and dad, I will be biting them in no time. The fact that now my limbs can bend will make this feat much easier. The peach fuzz hair growing on my little body this week might be an indication of my mom’s prediction that I will be coming into this world as a big ball of hair, anyway. I am well on my way!
Now that the weather is nicer, mom has been trying to get a little more exercise. She walks occasionally and has been trying to do spring cleaning in and out of the house. This does not counter the fact that she is still gaining weight (and not in her belly!) but it will be better for her in the long run. It must be difficult for her, though, because all I really want her to do is sleep! She’s still not sick which she is more and more thankful for every day (she hears horror stories from other moms all the time about their experience).
You will see from mom’s picture this week that she is still not really showing but that is no big surprise, considering I am only the size of a kumquat.
I am now able to swallow fluid and my vital organs (kidneys, liver, intestines, and brain) are beginning to function. I’m fairly certain my brain function is stronger than most :). My nails are also beginning to form and if I am anything like my mom and dad, I will be biting them in no time. The fact that now my limbs can bend will make this feat much easier. The peach fuzz hair growing on my little body this week might be an indication of my mom’s prediction that I will be coming into this world as a big ball of hair, anyway. I am well on my way!
Now that the weather is nicer, mom has been trying to get a little more exercise. She walks occasionally and has been trying to do spring cleaning in and out of the house. This does not counter the fact that she is still gaining weight (and not in her belly!) but it will be better for her in the long run. It must be difficult for her, though, because all I really want her to do is sleep! She’s still not sick which she is more and more thankful for every day (she hears horror stories from other moms all the time about their experience).
You will see from mom’s picture this week that she is still not really showing but that is no big surprise, considering I am only the size of a kumquat.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
One Inch - 9 weeks!
I told you I would grow fast - I am now about one inch long and the size of a grape (though mom and dad still insist on "peanut" - I'm pretty sure that's just my name for the next 7 months)! Most of my body parts are here - arms, legs, hands, feet, earlobes, eyes, nose, mouth, and ... (eh hem)... my sex organs. I can admit, though, that all of these parts could use a little work. I'll probably just hang out in here and work on perfecting all of them for the next few months. And even though I have the beginnings of toes, it's still hard to say if I will end up with the same crooked one my mom has. I sure hope not...
Mom is feeling just fine still. I think she is a little bummed that nothing appears to be different (though she seems to want to eat all the time and takes the idea of "eating for two" a little too literally. C'mon, already - I'm not the size of an adult human being yet!). Dad has been great, too. He says goodnight to me every night and pats me "hello" sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. He's been very sweet to mom, even when she wants to go to bed more than an hour before him. He's also very tolerant of her slight moodiness and claims he doesn't notice it at all. I already know he is going to be the greatest dad.
I'm going to get back to work now on growing. I'll be sure to let you know how it's going next week!
Mom is feeling just fine still. I think she is a little bummed that nothing appears to be different (though she seems to want to eat all the time and takes the idea of "eating for two" a little too literally. C'mon, already - I'm not the size of an adult human being yet!). Dad has been great, too. He says goodnight to me every night and pats me "hello" sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. He's been very sweet to mom, even when she wants to go to bed more than an hour before him. He's also very tolerant of her slight moodiness and claims he doesn't notice it at all. I already know he is going to be the greatest dad.
I'm going to get back to work now on growing. I'll be sure to let you know how it's going next week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
8 Weeks!
I am doing a lot of growing this week! I am getting eyelids, breathing tubes, and - most exciting - fingers and toes! What's better is that I am finally beginning to lose that pesky "tail". My mom wishes she could have an untrasound done everyday to watch all the growth but instead she has to rely on books and websites to keep updated. She and dad both say they are excited about the time when they will be able to feel me moving around, though I am already doing a lot of that now! They wouldnt know yet because I am still only about as big as a kidney bean (though they insist on calling me a "peanut").
Mom and dad are having trouble keeping me a secret - I can tell they are excited. They have told a lot of close friends and family about me, though there are a few left with whom they are waiting to share the news. They want to be able to do it themselves. For those that know, it is clear they are excited, which makes me eager to keep growing quickly. October will be here in no time!!
I am still being very nice to my mom, though I do make her very sleepy. She yawns a lot at work and always seems ready for bed by 9pm. I am pretty certain she prefers that to morning sickness and nausea, though. She still looks the same, but intends to post a weekly picture of herself regardless to allow you to watch for changes.
Mom and dad are having trouble keeping me a secret - I can tell they are excited. They have told a lot of close friends and family about me, though there are a few left with whom they are waiting to share the news. They want to be able to do it themselves. For those that know, it is clear they are excited, which makes me eager to keep growing quickly. October will be here in no time!!
I am still being very nice to my mom, though I do make her very sleepy. She yawns a lot at work and always seems ready for bed by 9pm. I am pretty certain she prefers that to morning sickness and nausea, though. She still looks the same, but intends to post a weekly picture of herself regardless to allow you to watch for changes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
7 Weeks and a Heartbeat

This week mom and dad went to the doctor to have my picture taken and find out when my birthday will be. This must have been an unbelievable experience because they couldn't stop grinning when they saw my tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound. Though the pictures printed would indicate I am only 1/2 inch big, mom and dad know there is a lot of change happening to me and it wont be long until I am much bigger. Mom tracks my growth here:
Looks like my birthday will be October 12, 2009!
Looks like my birthday will be October 12, 2009!
At 7 weeks, (so far) I have been very good to my mom because she has been very good to me. She immediately gave up all caffeine and alcohol (which is how most of her friends figured out about me) and is careful to avoid all the foods the doctor advised against. She takes a vitamin, calcium supplement, and Fish Oil every single day to ensure my positive development. For this, I have not given her any morning sickness or nausea. I give her a daily backache at about 8:30pm but I think it's pretty manageable. She is convinced she is getting a belly already - I think partly because she wants one and partly because she is just gaining weight. :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Here I Come!

Mom and dad found out about me pretty quickly. My mom was the first to grow suspicious but didnt say a word to my dad until after she confirmed with 2 tests. I think they were both a little shocked, especially because the doctor had said it wasn't even possible for her to get pregnant when she did.
They were hesitant to tell people about me at first which was near impossible for them because they were so incredibly excited. Truthfully, they only made it a few days before they surprised my grandparents (both Helmrich and McMillen) and my aunts and uncles (Julcas and Larsens) with the news. At that point, I was only about 5 weeks old and was about the size of the dot of an "i". It didnt matter how small I was, though - I was loved from the minute anyone even knew about me.
They were hesitant to tell people about me at first which was near impossible for them because they were so incredibly excited. Truthfully, they only made it a few days before they surprised my grandparents (both Helmrich and McMillen) and my aunts and uncles (Julcas and Larsens) with the news. At that point, I was only about 5 weeks old and was about the size of the dot of an "i". It didnt matter how small I was, though - I was loved from the minute anyone even knew about me.

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