At 36 weeks, I am about 6 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long. Mom isn't as excited that I get bigger and bigger by the day (almost by an ounce) and figures now would be a good time for me to be born. I am considered "full term" by the end of this week so she feels like I should be ready. I'm thinking I just might hold out. Besides, it's more fun each week to find out what fruit or vegetable I am going to be likened to. This week = Crenshaw Melon.
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!

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