I told you I would be growing a lot! This week, I am already at about 16 inches long head to toes, comparable (evidently) to the length of a bunch of bok choy (head to bottom, not counting legs). I weigh over 3 pounds now, too - about the same as the weight of 4 naval oranges. Much like my mom, my arms, legs, and body are beginning to fill out but for me it is needed fat. My reproductive system is continuing to develop, but I refuse to give away the secret by telling you which parts are being worked on. You'll find out soon enough! This week, I am also already able to use all five senses, though I can admit there isn't much to see, smell, or taste in here. I am excited to know what touch is like and I am already looking forward to feeling my soft blankets and sleepers. Bring on the cuddling!
Mom is starting to have a little trouble sleeping. She dreams a lot and wakes up at least once in the middle of the night. I figure it's just practice for after I am born - if she thinks once a night is bad, just wait till my first month at home!
For fun, mom and dad have been looking at various old wives' tales to determine my gender. Some of them seem completely silly but it's fun to watch them guess, nonetheless!
Chinese Lunar Calendar calculates: GIRL
Mom is carrying weight out front: BOY
Mom's feet are not colder than before: GIRL
I am being carried high: GIRL
Maternal Grandmother (Grandma Helmrich) does not have grey hair (dyed or natural): GIRL
Dad is gaining some weight, too: BOY
Mom didn't have any morning sickness: BOY
Mom craves sweets and fruit: GIRL
Mom's nose has not spread during pregnancy: GIRL
Mom has no desire to drink orange juice: BOY
Mom will eat the heel of a loaf of bread: BOY
My heartrate is more than 140 (usually just barely over): GIRL
If you believe in these superstitions (though some of them very odd), you would assume I am a girl. Unfortunately, you will have to wait another 2 months to find out the truth!
Mom is starting to have a little trouble sleeping. She dreams a lot and wakes up at least once in the middle of the night. I figure it's just practice for after I am born - if she thinks once a night is bad, just wait till my first month at home!
For fun, mom and dad have been looking at various old wives' tales to determine my gender. Some of them seem completely silly but it's fun to watch them guess, nonetheless!
Chinese Lunar Calendar calculates: GIRL
Mom is carrying weight out front: BOY
Mom's feet are not colder than before: GIRL
I am being carried high: GIRL
Maternal Grandmother (Grandma Helmrich) does not have grey hair (dyed or natural): GIRL
Dad is gaining some weight, too: BOY
Mom didn't have any morning sickness: BOY
Mom craves sweets and fruit: GIRL
Mom's nose has not spread during pregnancy: GIRL
Mom has no desire to drink orange juice: BOY
Mom will eat the heel of a loaf of bread: BOY
My heartrate is more than 140 (usually just barely over): GIRL
If you believe in these superstitions (though some of them very odd), you would assume I am a girl. Unfortunately, you will have to wait another 2 months to find out the truth!

You look so CUTE!! I can’t believe that you only have 56 days to go. I loved doing all the old wives tales when I was pregnant. All of them told me we were having a boy and we had a girl. It was still fun doing them though. I did find one weird site that told me I was having a girl but now I can’t find that link anywhere! Get as much rest now as you can…you will need it