Saturday, October 10, 2009
I am here!
I was born today at 7:23 AM. I weighed 8 lbs and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. I could tell mom did great. They got to find out that I am a girl even thought both of them thought so and they gave me my name, Deviney Jane McMillen.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mom's Carrying a Watermelon: 39 Weeks
At somewhere around 7 lbs and 20 inches, my mom is essentially carrying a small watermelon. It might explain why her back aches so much lately. Besides that, though, she is still able to get around comfortably and has been trying to take even longer walks than usual. I, on the other hand, am running seriously out of room in here! It makes it much harder to punch, jab, and kick all the time
At the last doctor's appointment, there had been some progress, though the doctor did not indicate she thought I would be coming within the week or anything. Mom was dilated to "almost" 2cm and was 70% effaced. If I decide to hold out a while, the doctor said she would allow me a little while. Once it's been 41 weeks, though, she said she would start encouraging induction. At this point, no one knows except me when I want to come and I certainly hope I can keep that a surprise. We will be back at the doctor before the end of the week so there may be a better indication then.
Mom and dad's phones have been ringing, emails coming in, and facebook notes being sent with questions about whether or not I have arrived. They are pretty certain word will travel quickly on my birthday - especially if dad coordinates a tailgate at the hospital!
At the last doctor's appointment, there had been some progress, though the doctor did not indicate she thought I would be coming within the week or anything. Mom was dilated to "almost" 2cm and was 70% effaced. If I decide to hold out a while, the doctor said she would allow me a little while. Once it's been 41 weeks, though, she said she would start encouraging induction. At this point, no one knows except me when I want to come and I certainly hope I can keep that a surprise. We will be back at the doctor before the end of the week so there may be a better indication then.
Mom and dad's phones have been ringing, emails coming in, and facebook notes being sent with questions about whether or not I have arrived. They are pretty certain word will travel quickly on my birthday - especially if dad coordinates a tailgate at the hospital!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Leek at 38 Weeks
At about 19.5 inches head to toe, you might say I am about the size of a leek. At 38 weeks, I also weigh about 6.8 lbs. In theory, I am around the length I will be at birth but my weight will probably increase. My organ functions are pretty well-refined now and my nervous system functions have increased.
As I grow more and more prepared to come, my mom and dad are more prepared every day, too. Mom has had her hospital bag packed for weeks now and my dad is trying to plan a tailgate party at the hospital. Mom has also been driving around for almost a week with the car seat base in her car. Once I start her labor, they will just need to clip the seat in and head to the hospital! There is a pack n' play set up in their bedroom (it has been for a month, actually) and the baby monitor is all set up and plugged in. Mom has already even bought me a Halloween costume! This weekend, my great uncle Bill brought me a bassinet all the way from North Carolina - my Great Grandmother had given it to him years ago. I am excited to be able to keep it in the family. Once I am done with it, I will be able to pass it to one of my cousins! In the meantime, it will live in the great room in the house - it should be a great place for you to see me when you visit!
We go to the doctor again this week. Mom is hoping to hear there has been progress, since last week nothing had changed from the prior appointment. I will be certain to keep you updated!
As I grow more and more prepared to come, my mom and dad are more prepared every day, too. Mom has had her hospital bag packed for weeks now and my dad is trying to plan a tailgate party at the hospital. Mom has also been driving around for almost a week with the car seat base in her car. Once I start her labor, they will just need to clip the seat in and head to the hospital! There is a pack n' play set up in their bedroom (it has been for a month, actually) and the baby monitor is all set up and plugged in. Mom has already even bought me a Halloween costume! This weekend, my great uncle Bill brought me a bassinet all the way from North Carolina - my Great Grandmother had given it to him years ago. I am excited to be able to keep it in the family. Once I am done with it, I will be able to pass it to one of my cousins! In the meantime, it will live in the great room in the house - it should be a great place for you to see me when you visit!
We go to the doctor again this week. Mom is hoping to hear there has been progress, since last week nothing had changed from the prior appointment. I will be certain to keep you updated!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
37 Weeks: Less Than 20 Days To Go!
Now I am officially full term. If I were ready, I could come out now and would be just fine! I think instead I will probably hang out here a little longer and just keep getting bigger. Since I am over 6 lbs and over 19 inches (think stalk of Swiss chard), it's hard to imagine I need to get much bigger but both my mom and dad were bigger when they were born so it's only fair.
People keep asking mom if she is "ready". I think she is - but not because she is tired of being pregnant; I think she is just excited for me to be born. She has a few "end-of-pregnancy" symptoms but nothing unmanageable. Her ankles are always swollen now (probably because she doesn't sit enough!) and she seems to need to go to the restroom more frequently. I continue to move around quite a bit which is more dramatic now than ever before. Mom is sometimes afraid an elbow or knee will poke right out of her skin! She will admit, though, that for as much as it sometimes hurts, she is going to miss it.
Last week at the doctor there had been little progress. Mom is still dilated to 1cm and I have dropped only slightly (from -2 to -1). She will see the doctor again this week and is hoping for good news. There are a number of guesses from family and friends about my birthday, time of birth and gender - she is hoping the October 24th guess is wrong.
People keep asking mom if she is "ready". I think she is - but not because she is tired of being pregnant; I think she is just excited for me to be born. She has a few "end-of-pregnancy" symptoms but nothing unmanageable. Her ankles are always swollen now (probably because she doesn't sit enough!) and she seems to need to go to the restroom more frequently. I continue to move around quite a bit which is more dramatic now than ever before. Mom is sometimes afraid an elbow or knee will poke right out of her skin! She will admit, though, that for as much as it sometimes hurts, she is going to miss it.
Last week at the doctor there had been little progress. Mom is still dilated to 1cm and I have dropped only slightly (from -2 to -1). She will see the doctor again this week and is hoping for good news. There are a number of guesses from family and friends about my birthday, time of birth and gender - she is hoping the October 24th guess is wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Almost Full Term - 36 Weeks
At 36 weeks, I am about 6 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long. Mom isn't as excited that I get bigger and bigger by the day (almost by an ounce) and figures now would be a good time for me to be born. I am considered "full term" by the end of this week so she feels like I should be ready. I'm thinking I just might hold out. Besides, it's more fun each week to find out what fruit or vegetable I am going to be likened to. This week = Crenshaw Melon.
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!
In terms of development, there really isn't a lot I am working on these days. My bones are getting harder but my skull will stay soft to make it easier to move through the birth canal when I decide it is time.
Mom continues to walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes every day which I think contributes to her ongoing comfortability. She still has no real problems moving or getting around (unless her large belly gets in the way or knocks something over). All the walking is also keeping my dog, Griggs, nice and trim. Mom thinks it's good for him to be the best walker he can so once a stroller is brought into the picture, he won't be shocked.
Both mom and dad continue to be entertained by my frequent and obvious movements each day. I do most of my strongest moving later in the evening so dad can see it. I am having fun with my elbows and knees - they seem to be the best poking devices. It makes both mom and dad laugh when they see it certain body parts shifting around, though I think it sometimes hurts a little. I also get hiccups at least twice a day now. At first I think my mom liked it but now I think she would prefer they wouldn't last so long. I can't help it, though!
When I write next week, I will be writing at full-term. I am getting closer and closer all the time to my birthday!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
35 Weeks and Educated
Were you aware honeydew melons weigh about 5 and 1/4 lbs? Were you also aware that is is what I weigh this week? It's probably appropriate I continue to gain some weight since I am now over 18 inches long. Everything else is well-developed and from now on, I will be working primarily on gaining more weight. I think mom would just prefer I come now so that I will be healthy but no bigger.

Last week mom and dad had pictures taken with me. My Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan took them. They turned out incredible and I can't wait to be able to look at them one day and imagine what mom and dad were like when they were pregnant with me. You can see some of the pictures (there were hundreds!) at
Mom and dad also went to a day-long childbirth class this week. They learned a lot about what it will be like the day I decide I am ready to come. Dad was nervous about it but I think he felt better after going to the class. I think mom was a little overwhelmed but they sent her home with a lot of reading material so she will be able to study and prepare.
The other thing mom and dad did this week is pick out my "go home outfit". After a great deal of agonizing, researching, and shopping at 4 different stores, they picked out a couple of outfits for a girl and a couple for a boy. Once they know what I am, they will be able to take back the one they won't need. It will be tough, though - they are all so adorable!
We are at almost one month until my due date. Time is flying fast! From now on, mom goes to the doctor every week. This week, the doctor started checking more than usual. Mom was weighed of course (up almost 24 lbs altogether!), my heart rate was taken (this time 138-140 which is lower than usual but not by much), and mom's belly was measured (really, it's more like measuring me). Everything is moving along well. This time, though, the doctor checked my position and I am head down, as I should. She also said mom is dilated to 1cm which is not much but the doctor said that is normal for 35 weeks. Mom expects more changes in the weeks ahead. Though she has enjoyed being pregnant, I think she is getting more and more ready (and excited!) for me to be born. Oddly enough, so am I!

Last week mom and dad had pictures taken with me. My Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jonathan took them. They turned out incredible and I can't wait to be able to look at them one day and imagine what mom and dad were like when they were pregnant with me. You can see some of the pictures (there were hundreds!) at
Mom and dad also went to a day-long childbirth class this week. They learned a lot about what it will be like the day I decide I am ready to come. Dad was nervous about it but I think he felt better after going to the class. I think mom was a little overwhelmed but they sent her home with a lot of reading material so she will be able to study and prepare.
The other thing mom and dad did this week is pick out my "go home outfit". After a great deal of agonizing, researching, and shopping at 4 different stores, they picked out a couple of outfits for a girl and a couple for a boy. Once they know what I am, they will be able to take back the one they won't need. It will be tough, though - they are all so adorable!
We are at almost one month until my due date. Time is flying fast! From now on, mom goes to the doctor every week. This week, the doctor started checking more than usual. Mom was weighed of course (up almost 24 lbs altogether!), my heart rate was taken (this time 138-140 which is lower than usual but not by much), and mom's belly was measured (really, it's more like measuring me). Everything is moving along well. This time, though, the doctor checked my position and I am head down, as I should. She also said mom is dilated to 1cm which is not much but the doctor said that is normal for 35 weeks. Mom expects more changes in the weeks ahead. Though she has enjoyed being pregnant, I think she is getting more and more ready (and excited!) for me to be born. Oddly enough, so am I!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
All Showered: 34 Weeks
Held a cantaloupe lately? If so, imagine it is like holding me - now at about 5 pounds. I'm not quite as round, but I do stretch to around 18 inches. Mom can tell I am taking up more space since she thinks at almost any given time, she can feel some part of my body poking her.
Last week was another great week. Mom was showered by family on Saturday and it was beautiful! My Aunt Dayna flew in from Atlanta to be there, along with cousins and my great aunt from Florida. There were also so many people from Columbus - I can certainly tell I am loved (even across the miles)! Mom opened a lot of great gifts that day - a travel stroller/car seat system, pack-n-play, blankets, bottles, diapers, toys, books, booster seat, lightweight stroller, booties, hat, and even the blanket my dad came home from the hospital in when he was born! If they didn't feel totally prepared before, they certainly should now.
Mom and dad also went on a tour this week of the hospital Maternity Unit. They were shown where to drive to when I decide I am ready to come. They were also shown the kind of room I will be delivered in (equipped with a mirror that mom is fairly certain she will not be using!). The tour took them to the post-partum room mom will stay in once I have been assessed and fed. It all looks very comfortable... except for the couch/bed dads are provided to sleep on. I do think both mom and dad feel better having seen everything, but it certainly made it seem more real than ever before. In fact, they both were able to see a baby in the nursery that had been born only 6 hours prior - at 35 weeks! Needless to say, mom started packing her hospital bag this week just to be safe.
It's hard to imagine there are less than 40 days between now and my expected birthday! I grow more and more excited all the time to meet you all!
Last week was another great week. Mom was showered by family on Saturday and it was beautiful! My Aunt Dayna flew in from Atlanta to be there, along with cousins and my great aunt from Florida. There were also so many people from Columbus - I can certainly tell I am loved (even across the miles)! Mom opened a lot of great gifts that day - a travel stroller/car seat system, pack-n-play, blankets, bottles, diapers, toys, books, booster seat, lightweight stroller, booties, hat, and even the blanket my dad came home from the hospital in when he was born! If they didn't feel totally prepared before, they certainly should now.
Mom and dad also went on a tour this week of the hospital Maternity Unit. They were shown where to drive to when I decide I am ready to come. They were also shown the kind of room I will be delivered in (equipped with a mirror that mom is fairly certain she will not be using!). The tour took them to the post-partum room mom will stay in once I have been assessed and fed. It all looks very comfortable... except for the couch/bed dads are provided to sleep on. I do think both mom and dad feel better having seen everything, but it certainly made it seem more real than ever before. In fact, they both were able to see a baby in the nursery that had been born only 6 hours prior - at 35 weeks! Needless to say, mom started packing her hospital bag this week just to be safe.
It's hard to imagine there are less than 40 days between now and my expected birthday! I grow more and more excited all the time to meet you all!

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