Though I am only about 2 and 1/2 lbs and a little over 15 inches, I can sure pack a punch! Imagine how hard I will be able to kick once my size doubles (maybe even triples)! I move a lot during the day but usually wait until later in the evening to really start showing off my martial arts skills. Sometimes it scares my mom but usually she just giggles.
My muscles are continuing to grow (evidenced by the kicking, punching, and moving around) and so are my maturing lungs. Along with that, my head is also getting bigger to make room for my developing brain - so if I am born with a bigger head than most babies, you will know why.
Mom has been able to take daily walks and is keeping active during the day, now that she is not working. She has gotten a lot done around the house in preparation for my arrival but still has a good to-do list of things to go. She seems to be feeling fine and hasn't really been as fatigued in the third trimester as everyone warns. Perhaps September will be a different story. We had another doctor's appointment this week, too. Her weight gain is right where it needs to be and her blood pressure is still very good. The doctor is now measuring her belly to make sure I am growing appropriately. This week, it was 29 cm and the doctor said that was perfect. My proposed birthday remains October 12! And if you are wondering what my heart rate was in order to figure out my gender - good luck. It was again in the 140's, right in the middle of the road.
By the way, if any of you see my dad, please tell him to stop doing zerberts on my mom's belly. It sounds really funny in here. Thanks!
My muscles are continuing to grow (evidenced by the kicking, punching, and moving around) and so are my maturing lungs. Along with that, my head is also getting bigger to make room for my developing brain - so if I am born with a bigger head than most babies, you will know why.
Mom has been able to take daily walks and is keeping active during the day, now that she is not working. She has gotten a lot done around the house in preparation for my arrival but still has a good to-do list of things to go. She seems to be feeling fine and hasn't really been as fatigued in the third trimester as everyone warns. Perhaps September will be a different story. We had another doctor's appointment this week, too. Her weight gain is right where it needs to be and her blood pressure is still very good. The doctor is now measuring her belly to make sure I am growing appropriately. This week, it was 29 cm and the doctor said that was perfect. My proposed birthday remains October 12! And if you are wondering what my heart rate was in order to figure out my gender - good luck. It was again in the 140's, right in the middle of the road.
By the way, if any of you see my dad, please tell him to stop doing zerberts on my mom's belly. It sounds really funny in here. Thanks!