Mom and dad found out about me pretty quickly. My mom was the first to grow suspicious but didnt say a word to my dad until after she confirmed with 2 tests. I think they were both a little shocked, especially because the doctor had said it wasn't even possible for her to get pregnant when she did.
They were hesitant to tell people about me at first which was near impossible for them because they were so incredibly excited. Truthfully, they only made it a few days before they surprised my grandparents (both Helmrich and McMillen) and my aunts and uncles (Julcas and Larsens) with the news. At that point, I was only about 5 weeks old and was about the size of the dot of an "i". It didnt matter how small I was, though - I was loved from the minute anyone even knew about me.
They were hesitant to tell people about me at first which was near impossible for them because they were so incredibly excited. Truthfully, they only made it a few days before they surprised my grandparents (both Helmrich and McMillen) and my aunts and uncles (Julcas and Larsens) with the news. At that point, I was only about 5 weeks old and was about the size of the dot of an "i". It didnt matter how small I was, though - I was loved from the minute anyone even knew about me.